Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The GSC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) works to encourage diversity, achieve equity, and foster inclusion for all MIT community members regardless of their identity (including, but not limited to: race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy, religion, ability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, employment status, immigration status, or socioeconomic status). It shall also critically consider intersections among these groups to facilitate learning, understanding, and unity.

Read our Bylaws


Collectively amplify the voices of, and advocate for, underrepresented groups in higher education so that every graduate student has the full opportunity to thrive at MIT.

Promote awareness, engagement, and community building around diverse experiences.

Keep the GSC and MIT accountable to improve the recruitment, retention, and degree completion of underrepresented groups via institutional-level change.

Current Initiatives

Student Advocacy
  • Department DEI Advocacy: GSC DEI maintains a DEI conduit network that consists of student DEI advocates within each department. Our goal with the DEI conduit network is to collect student input on department-level DEI efforts and to connect graduate students involved with DEI work across departments. In April 2024, we conducted a student survey for DEI conduits to assess department DEI efforts, student involvement, and organizational burden for students, which we are sharing with Institute Community and Equity Office (ICEO).
  • International student fee waivers: International students are not eligible for the same types of application fee waivers as domestic students. Given the disproportionate impact of currency exchange, we are working to develop solutions with the Office of Graduate Education (OGE) and the School of Engineering to address the financial burden of application fees on international students. One solution we are advocating for is to scale application fees based on country of origin, to account for differences between the purchasing powers between currencies. We have compiled this report and are working actively with administrators to implement these solutions.
  • Gender inclusive bathrooms: GSC DEI is coordinating with student advocates, LGBT Grad, and the Graduate Student Union to expand access to gender-inclusive bathrooms across campus.
Underrepresented student support
  • Student affinity group collaboration: GSC DEI works with underrepresented student affinity groups to support their missions and advocate for their concerns as underrepresented students. In May 2024, we launched a survey to gather student concerns and develop data-informed solutions on the challenges that groups are facing, which we will ultimately share with ICEO and OGE.
  • Student financial support: We support DEI and identity-related conference travel for students through the GSC conference grant system. Additionally, our diversity and community fund supports small to medium-sized DEI and community-based events.
Community-based event programming
  • Wellness and meditation workshop (April 25th, 2024): The GSC DEI and Activities committees co-hosted a petting zoo and meditation event for the community to experience an inclusive and comforting environment to help lower stress levels. Students joined together to promote wellness and bring awareness to the importance of taking care of others and oneself.
  • Violence Prevention and Response (VPR) collaboration (April 2024): GSC DEI collaborated with VPR to help promote a series of workshops related to self-defense, trauma, and interpersonal violence during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April 2024. Additionally, we worked with VPR and MIT’s Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response (IDHR) Office to help promote MIT’s Student Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Survey among the graduate student body.

Past Initiatives

DEI Departmental Recommendation Scorecards

GSC DEI has developed DEI Departmental Recommendation Scorecards to help students and other department members track progress of implementation of DEI recommendations, use as an accountability tool, and encourage the sharing of ideas across campus.

Graduate Student Food Resource Fair

In collaboration with the Food Security Action Team at MIT, the GSC DEI Committee distributed non-perishable food and personal hygiene products to improve food security among graduate student populations on campus. Graduate students who attended this fair also received resources on budgeting, nutrition, and recipes!

Class Action First Generation Summit (November 5th, 2022)

MIT hosted the 10th annual Class Action First Generation Summit on November 5, 2022. First-generation students and their allies come together to identify problems, discuss grassroots solutions, share what’s working on their campuses, and discover solutions and create change.

Day of Action for Abortion Access and Reproductive Justice (October 6th, 2022)

The GSC worked with other graduate student governments and unions in the U.S. to organize a national Day of Action for abortion. This coalition is called the Graduate Student Action Network (GSAN): https://twitter.com/GradAction.

External Resources

Committee Leadership

Department and Classroom Inclusion ChairStudent Life ChairSecretaryTreasurer
Saahir Ganti-Agrawal
Shriya Karam