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Upcoming events

Hosted by GSC
External event
Ticket required

About MIT 2017 Grad Orientation

So many events. So little time.

With more than 30 events over three weeks, join us to learn about MIT, your new home, to meet other new graduate students and to have fun!

Learn the basic of grad life at the Presidential Welcome, Graduate Panels and Grad Activities and Resource Fair. Explore Boston and the surrounding areas by going to one or more of our outing events. And meet fellow students from all over MIT at the Welcome Picnic and OneMIT Banquet.

Greetings from the GSC President

On behalf of the Graduate Student Council (GSC), welcome to MIT! One of MIT’s strengths is its collaborative, diverse, and vibrant graduate student community. The GSC’s primary goal is to empower our community and strengthen connections between students, faculty, and alumni. In each of our efforts, we strive to improve the quality of graduate student life – we develop resources for managing challenges in grad school, fund the activities of student groups, hold social as well as professional development-related events throughout the year, and organize the only student-led graduate orientation in the country. Additionally, we advocate for the graduate student body on issues of graduate housing availability, increases in student stipends, and availability of professional development resources, as well as provide an avenue for students to voice their opinions on local to federal legislation relevant to graduate students. We hope that the GSC can become a resource for each and every one of you – whether it’s to meet new friends at an event or to talk about a challenging situation going on in your department – and we invite you to get involved! We’re excited to meet you all and share ideas together for how we can continue to build our community.

Sarah Goodman
GSC President, PhD Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering

Different events for diverse interests

We have informational events, outings, dance parties, barbeques, panels and much more